In the colder wintery weather, our canine friends need to be winter ready too.
Read our tips on how to stay safe and well when out and about.
Carry a small dog first aid kit with you.
Carry a fully charged mobile phone with you with your vets contact details added. Remember to include any out of hours numbers as these may be different.
Don't stay on your mobile phone and become distracted. Know where your dog is at all times.
Ensure you and your dog can be seen if walking in low light or reduced visiblity.
Keep your dog on a lead until it is safe to let them off and you are confident of a good recall.
Keep your dog on a lead near frozen water. The surface may not be as stable as it appears.
Keep your dog on a lead if it is snowing heavily as this can be disorientating.
Puppies, short haired dogs, certain breeds and older dogs benefit from wearing an out door coat for extra warmth when on a walk.
In very cold weather, have more frequent but shorter walks. This reduces the amount of time vulnerable dogs are exposed to the elements.
Ensure your dog is wearing an ID tag and that your microchip details are up to date.
Wash/wipe down paws,chest area and under bellies straight after walks. Rock salt used on roads and paths can cause burns on paws and in the mouth if left in contact long enough. It is also toxic if ingested.
Check in between your dogs toes for small ice balls which can develop after walking in the snow. These become hard and stick to the fur proving very painful.