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Easter Eggsplained

It wouldn’t be Easter without armfuls of delicious Easter Eggs of all shapes and sizes, delivered of course by the Easter Bunny but beware... chocolate is toxic to dogs

To make sure this Easter is enjoyable and safe for you and your canine friend, just follow our top tips.

Foil Easter Egg wrapping shouldn’t be left around for a dog to chew


Ensure all the family (including any visitors) know how dangerous chocolate can be for dogs. This means no sharing and storing it up out of the dogs reach... some dogs in search of a chocolate delicacy suddenly find they have super agility skills!

Foil Easter Egg wrapping shouldn’t be left around for a dog to chew. It can’t be digested and can lead to intestinal blockages which may require surgery.

On Easter Egg hunts, make sure your dog doesn’t find the eggs first! If they have to come with you, keep them on a lead.

Why is chocolate so dangerous for dogs?

Chocolate is made from cocoa beans which is full of caffeine as well as the chemical Theobromine. Dogs metabolise this chemical much more slowly than us so the effects last for hours. Even a tiny amount can cause problems. Large quantities can lead to hyperactivity, rapid heart rate, vomiting, diarrhoea and convulsions. Symptoms can occur 2/24 hours after ingestion. If you think your dog may have eaten chocolate, take them to a vet straight away.

Hot Cross Buns:

Who doesn’t like a hot cross bun with melted butter?

Hot cross buns can contain raisins, currants and sultanas. These are all toxic to dogs  At this time of year, it is therefore important that hot cross buns are kept well away from your dog. It isn’t known why these fruits are toxic or how much can be poisonous for your dog. Some dogs have been affected only moderately while others severely. It can also depend on how much has been consumed. Symptoms can show as vomiting , diarrhoea, lethargy and eventually kidney failure. As with chocolate, don’t share and keep out of reach.

Easter plants and flowers:

As beautiful as most spring plants are some, if eaten, are toxic to dogs.

Lillies are one of the most poisonous plants for dogs. If eaten it can cause kidney failure.

Daffodil bulbs, flowers and the leaves can cause your dog to drool and develop vomiting and diarrhoea. It can also increase their heart rate.

If you think your dog may have eaten any part of a flower or plant, take them to a vet straight away.

Easter family meals:

As with Christmas, Easter can be a time when families get together to enjoy a Sunday roast.

Poultry bones especially when they have been cooked, become brittle and if eaten can splinter and cause very nasty injuries to your dogs mouth, throat and intestinal tract. They could even break their teeth!

Poultry fat, especially duck fat and skin isn’t exactly toxic but still not good for your dog. It is extremely difficult to digest and can cause problems with the pancreas.

With a little forward planning there should be nothing stopping you and your canine friends having a super Easter break! Happy Easter from Allwinds.


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