To make sure this Easter is nothing but fun filled for both you and your canine friend, follow our simple tips on how to keep any paws off the Easter treats.
Ensure the whole family know how dangerous chocolate can be for dogs. This means no sharing and storing it out of reach of dogs.
Any foil Easter egg wrapping paper should not be left lying around for dogs to chew on. It cannot be digested and can lead to a dog choking or intestinal blockages which may require surgery.
If you are planning an Easter egg hunt in the garden, make sure your dog cannot find the eggs first! If you want your dog to be part of the Easter egg hunt, keep them on a lead. Alternatively, swop out the Easter eggs hidden in the garden for vouchers/painted stones or something similar which, when found, can be redeemed for an Easter treat.
Why is chocolate dangerous for dogs?
Chocolate is made from the cocoa bean which is full of caffeine as well as the chemical Theobromine. Dogs metabolise this chemical much more slowly than us humans so the effects can last for hours. Even a tiny amount can cause problems. Large quantities can lead to a rapid heart beat, vomiting, diarrhoea, lethargy and convulsions.
If you think your dog may have eaten chocolate, don't delay, call your vet immediately.
Hot Cross Buns
Who doesn't like a warm hot cross bun with melted butter?
Hot cross buns contain dried raisins, currants and sultanas and sadly these are toxic for dogs so another Easter treat that needs to be kept out of reach from dogs.
It isn't really known why these are toxic for dogs or how much can be poisonous for your dog. Some dogs have only been affected moderately after eating buns while others, much more severely. It can also depend on how much has been consumed.
Symptoms can show as, vomiting, diarrhoea, lethargy and eventually, kidney failure.
As with chocolate, if you think your dog has eaten any of your hot cross bun, call your vet straight away.