Allwinds was proud to have attended Dogfest West 2019 which is definitely the ultimate festival for dogs. Everything is focused towards celebrating the incredible bond between dogs and people, their unconditional love and also promoting animal welfare.
Alongside the fantastic shows, displays and activities, we watched dogs in splash pools, listened to Clare Balding and walked with Noel Fitzpatrick ( Supervet) on The Great Dog Walk.

Thank you so much to all the people who came and visited us. We have had a huge amount of dog lovers sign up to our  courses, try their hand at Dog First Aid and compete to win the Allwinds Doggy Hamper worth over £100. We are extremely pleased to announce that Carol O’ Sullivan from Wiltshire has won! Well done Carol. It will be in the post to you shortly.

Thank you to everyone who made this such a great weekend event. We met the most amazing people, cuddled more dogs than was healthy, provided real dog first aid – twice but promised we would be back to do it all again next year.